AUDIBLE SAMPLE - More Than a Life



Audio Sample on famous book from Sadhguru - More Than a Life

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
name of the book. More Than a Life, said Guru Written by Arundhati Subramaniam. Introduction. I thought gurus happened to other people. Let me confess to buy snobbery right away. I thought they happened to a certain kind of safari suited Indian man and his disciples. Status Cois. Twice, I thought they happen to those who knew the finer points of ritual red tape ism and panda protocol. Those who knew how to dive at holy feet and look ecstatic. Such songs. That's true on one level, but as somewhat facetious level, I admit. Let me also say that as a seeker, I had read enough to know all that stuff about masters appearing when students are ready. What are the chances anyway of a master appearing on a peak, our Mumbai local or at a poetry reading? Or at a city bookshop or theatre or cafe? And what are the chances of a master speaking my particular language? Figuring out my convoluted in a geography, my simultaneous need for guidance and dislike for guides, my need for a vocabulary that is sacred and yet secular? And what about my ability turn mentors into tormented