Everyday Guy, Speaker of English, & Spanish, Traveler, Techie

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My performance background has been in theatre and choral performance, with professional experience also in business and information technology.
I am a huge travel aficionado and speak English, Spanish and currently I am learning European Portuguese.
Born and raised in Texas, but currently in Lisbon

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to Geico sure are happy, happier than a camel on Wednesday hump day. It's a good happy get Geico. This is for all the people who believe in going for it, who do their things the same way we do ours because life isn't about your life being half full or half empty, it's about filling it up. Sam Adams fact of the day. Did you know the creator of Spongebob Squarepants was a marine biologist visit the nick shock to tell us about your random facts, fellow bearded brethren. If you're having a moment of weakness, just imagine how cold life would be with a bald face. Our products will transform you from an uncut savage into a bearded king and don't sweat it. Our products are priced for a peasant yet. Perfect for a prince. There are two types of people in the world, those who are content to blend in like beige socks, uninspired and board. And then there are those who expect more. They're exciting. They have pizazz. Eventually the beige socks people get lost or devoured by the ones who stand out. Do you want to be devoured? No. Then here's the new Kia optima. I run I fall I picked myself up and go harder. I pushed myself to limits. I've never known before. The North Face us married guys know all about the honey dew's list, but no one talks about the honey. Don't list. You know what I mean? Honey don't drive too fast honey. Don't argue with my dad. Honey don't tell that stupid elephant walks into a bar joke again with so many honey. Don't what's a guy to do? At least for all the honey dew's, there's urban hardware. They always have exactly what I need to mark those honey Dew's as done.