
Voice Assistant


I am professional voice artist for 3 years

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Tiba Ali 22 was killed by her father despite attempts by police to mediate a dispute between her and her family. The death of a young youtube star at the hands of her father has sparked outrage in Iraq where women are murdered often by their male relatives and family disputes. Tiba Ali 22 was killed by her father on 31st January in the southern province of Diana. Interior Ministry spokesman, Sad Man said on Twitter on Friday, police had attempted to mediate between a Ali who lived in Turkey and was visiting Iraq and her relatives to resolve the family dispute in a definitive manner. Mann said unverified recordings of conversations between a Ali and her father appeared to indicate that he was unhappy with her decision to live alone in Turkey.