Twin Peaks Ep 3 article narration

Profile photo for Laura Stewart
Not Yet Rated


I recorded this audio version of an article by author Brad Dukes to be published on a website.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Welsh


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Twin Peaks Episode three Can't Bury Lower upon the Deep Enough has written by Bread Dukes and Right by Yours, too. Tina Rathbone had never directed an episode of television. Gary Payton had yet to tell his name on a produced TV script. What they both had in common was a degree from Harvard, along with a sense of trust and good will with David Lynch and Mark Frost. Rathbone had previously directed a shirtless Lynch in the 1988 film Celia and Me. Well, Payton was a fledgling screenwriter in Frost's fantasy baseball league choice to hire wrathful to Direct Twin Peaks. Episode three The Peyton to Write it feels reckless, Unpredictable on DH calculated a few of my favourite qualities of this charmed first season. The episode commences with Audrey Horne cornering Agent Cooper at breakfast in the dining room of the Great Northern, one of the first instalments of their ambiguous and muddled attraction. Audrey has taken with special agent because of coops by the senses he's already well aware. Coop also knows Audrey's clued in to the high school scene and could prove valuable to his investigation of Laura Palmer's murder until Sheriff Truman and Lucy Moran show up, and he's just got to tell them about the dream he had last night. Cooper has Harry and Lucy on edge, retelling his vision of sitting in a red room of the dwarf dancing Laura whispering her killer's identity in his ear. It's another priceless moment in the infallible romance of Cooper and Truman. Truman simply likes Cooper too much to want to wring his neck when he can't remember who killed her. But all of Cooper and Truman's differences the pair only gross closer and closer until the bitter end. For those keeping score, Cooper recalls that Mike shot Bob in the dream, an event that only happens in the international version of the pilot and not in the episode to dream sequence. Why this opus like David Lynch was directing while That Heart during the first season production of Trump Peaks and had not yet filmed no edited his proceeding. Episode two. Cooper's Breakfast of Champions is cut short because there's trouble brewing at the morgue. Door's body is set to be entered today, and the callous and caustic Albert Rosenfield isn't done examining Laura's body for clues as to who killed her one folks. Holly Payton on Twitter. I suggest reading his posts in the voice of Miguel Vera. Try it. That's another classic chapter of Truman versus Rosenfield. The sheriff ends up punching out Albert to think that the pair can hug it out by the middle of the second season gives all of humankind hope is 2021 dawns in one scene. Cheryl, he is lying dead on a gurney is Laura, and then the next she ribs and breach again as Laura's cousin, Madeleine Maddy Ferguson. When she walks into the Palmer Living Room, Leland is visibly stunned to see his daughter reincarnated with dark hair, and their relationship will come full circle several episodes down the road. In that same room, mention Frost found a way to bring Cheryle back into the Twin Peaks fold. And it makes one wonder if Maddie started out as an inside joke or she was meant to be the sacrificial lamb all along. It's a wonderful mystery of the original TV run. Maddie is very much a symbol of Cooper's failure, the eventual human cost of Cooper unable to stop the killer before striking again. In a moment of privacy, Cooper confides to Diane how much Twin Peaks is growing on him and how he might use his pension to buy some local real estate coop. They'll cost you nothing but your very soul. This thread pays off later. An Episode 18 after Cooper solves the murder of Laura Palmer but still can't find a good reason to leave the town. His coordinates are set on Dead Dog Farm for quite a while. The pilot episode of Twin Peaks harboured on the shock and grief surrounding the murder of the town's most popular girl. This episode is intent on tearing off all the emotional scabs is being dreams of Red rooms. A Fish in the percolator, a delightfully cuckoo spectacle of a federal agent throwing rocks at a bottle in the woods. True grief and trauma can get lost in translation until the community must stand overlords corpse as it is lowered into the ground. The town of Twin Peaks gathers in a circle, listening to Scripture, wondering what could have been done to prevent this tragedy. Only the Miss Twin Peaks pageant Khun gather a crowd this big on screen more than 20 episodes later, cauldron of personality bubbles to the brim. Secret lovers give each other cutting glances. A multitude of suspects mingled with the do gooders. None of this is lost on Dale Cooper. Bobby Breaks has just being a drug dealing punk until this moment, and then he rightly blames everyone pretending they're cheek during Laura's gradual descent into ****. Everyone knew she was in trouble, and they did nothing. It's a dynamic moment that teases another side of Bobby. His teenage tantrum is an indictment of the elders who failed his girlfriend. One can point back to this moment and see that maturity and some embryo of responsibility 12 within him. From early on. He's the son of major Garland breaks. After all, James Hailey hasn't always been cool, especially when it comes to his secret girlfriend, XP Ariel. Plus, he's already dating Laura's best friend, and he'll fall for Maddie with her weeks time smooth. Bobby told the truth, and James couldn't handle it. Royal Rumble breaks out tenets Ensslin and Palmer over the edge, literally into his daughter's grave. The hydraulics on the casket go haywire. Leland cries it out, lying on top of his daughter. It's all a fitting punctuation on the life and legacy of Laura, the foundation of the Twin Peaks pilot is grief, and from here on, Leland seems to be the only one willing to hold on to it in a visceral physical sense. Sarah, just tough, some puff, some great city reprimanding her husband. Don't ruin this, too. What else did he ruined? Night Falls. Laura's body is in the ground, and Shelly Johnson stands behind the counter of the double R, mocking Leland's grave diving behaviour. The joke brings the laughs teasing a sinister side of Shetty We never really see again. Something more provocative is about to go down in the corner booth. It's time for the book House Boys to reveal themselves and tentatively welcome Cooper into the fold. Secret society has formed over generations, fighting an evil force that emanates from the woods. I highly doubt mentioned Frost had mapped out to 30 episode arc that would lead them to an actual freaking portal into the red room of Cooper's dream. But it's always a genuine thrill to revisit this episode on here. Sheriff Truman authoritatively claim there's a sort of evil out there something very, very strange in these old woods. Call it what you want a darkness, a presence, and we've always been here to fight it. Of course, the sheriff isn't willing to recognise how deep this river is until he's neck deep in it. If only he knew Cooper's path, The black lodge officially begins. At this moment, the specific evil of the moment that Truman is speaking off is tacked onto a drug ring that might be implicated in Laura's death. You never know. It's a mule, the brother of Job, who's about to become a prime suspect of the murder. The book House Boys Asher Cooper to the book house in a long, captivating Steadicam shot directed by Rathbone, that leads through a front door deep into around that feels far removed from the outside world. Cooper, who seems to play it all by the book, is about this life. The unofficial interrogation begins, and Bernard admits to nothing. The citizens of Trump Peaks have no problem taking justice into their own hands and eventually results in the deaths of both Bernard Anja. The big brother John will have a receipt waiting for Agent Cooper. Cooper's jam packed day leads us back to Laura's grave, where Dr Jacoby has emerged to mourn the passing of his patient. Sadness and failure fell his face upon review. Laura was someone he couldn't save. Kobe is painted as a possible suspect area on, but he's really just another custodian of Laura, who failed to help her episode three years capped off with a 92nd scene of pure brilliance, inviting intense discussion and scrutiny. Cooper's had a **** of a day, and now he's camped out in the lounge of the Great Northern, sipping a tall, cool one with Deputy Hawk. Special Agent has his tie loosened done and tenor up desperate and perhaps a load towards an area where people are dancing for his dream the night before. Do you believe in the soul? He asked several deputy replies. Walk informs Cooper of the Blackfoot legend, a dream soul that wanders. His hawk breaks open another sphere of twin peaks for Coop to consider. Lena Palmer is also unwinding after his no good, very bad day, soaking in the energy of the dance floor with his eyes closed, looking to the ceiling. This little scene sits in the middle of hours and hours of mystery and Twin peaks faking to be put under a microscope. Every viewer can come back to this episode and decide for themselves whether Leland is the dream soul Hawke is talking about. Well, maybe it's Coop. The only two people in the Siri's look into a mirror and have Killer Bob staring back at them. Leland can't stop dancing. Can't stop crying out for help. I can't stop himself from wanting to have a younger girl in his embrace. And none of these clues click with Cooper until it's too late. After a slow dance breaks into a jive, Leland loses it all over again, begging every last girl to dance with him. Party's over Coop have to Carrie Lee lent out of the bar, his arm slung over their shoulders. It's another night in Twin Peaks. With the luxury of crystal clear hindsight, I still wonder if Leland is truly destroyed or if the whole day was one big publicity stunt by killer Bob. Maintain Laura, one last time in front of everyone who loved her, then later rubbing Cooper's face in his own failure to decode the dream he had had just one night before. Think of Leland's behaviour whenever he's alone. Later in episode 15. Cooper was taunted plenty of times after this, but Episode three leaves a tiny window of hope that Lena was just a grieving father drowning in his feelings. Whether he was at the mercy of his demons or whether he was the vehicle of an outsider is for the viewer to consider. Episode three is a crucial domino in the tram peaks Cannon ceremoniously bidding farewell to Laura Palmer and allowing most everyone to move on with their life. Except for those who are never going to let go of her. Thank you for listening to this Gordillo article from 25 years later. Site dot com Intro Outro theme provided by Ryan Linage