God's Love & Justice

Profile photo for Gorriceta Mary F.
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Voice Assistant


This is a devotional from You Version dated on 4.30.22 stating how God's glory and greatness are shown from His workmanship and love toward His creations. May God bless you always. Stand firm in faith. Amen!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
God's love and trust this God is kind. The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. The creator calls to us through his creation. When we gaze up at the whole blue sky, When we feel the warmth of the morning sun, When we see the crescent moon on a clear night, when ominous thunder clouds rolled in and strikes of lightning flash across the night. When we see all the stars crowd the night sky. It is in these moments that we see the tampering of God hear his voice, sends his glory and feel his power. What do the heavens tell us about God? They tell us that God exists and that there is a creator behind the creation. Deep down, we know that there is an unseen creator. Moreover, they tell us that God is big so big and as we learn more and more about the size of the universe. Our appreciation of God's power and greatness grows ever deeper. This God, this creator is immense beyond words. The heavens also tells us that God is cruel. He is the God who makes his sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the chores and on the hunters. Matthew chapter fibers were the he's good and gracious to all who he has made the heavens tells us much more that God is faithful, That God is wise, that God is unpredictable, That God is consistent. That card is majestic and that God is kind, he is the sovereign and infinite card, he is the God of overwhelming beauty and majesty, as Simon will put it. The beauty of the world is christ tender smile for us coming through. Matter how great is archived. When we see the glory of God in the heavens, we're humbled undone and thunderstruck. There's quite and he must be worshiped. This is called, and he must be obeyed. This is called and he must beloved.