Radio Announcer Demo

Profile photo for George Nobbs
Not Yet Rated
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This demo features my ability to be a warm and conversational presence while providing information and guidance with a purposeful manner. Also featured is the one demo in which I employed the use of mixing of a song in at the end, mimicking the general practice of radio.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's midday or listening to Wickham sounds 1 to 6.6 FM on a traffic report. Now we've had a report from Jane Grieves of CIA Green that the A 413 leading into Amersham is suffering from huge tailbacks or the way to Chalfont. Seeing Peter. This is due to a shunt just outside. The big test goes. Otherwise, bucks roads are clear of the moment, and that's as it should be because, as ever, we should be staying home, saving lives and protecting the N hs. So while the weather is lovely out there and I hope you get out for a walk in it if you can please bear that in mind. And if you are out for your exercise, do please practise social distancing. Now I leave you with the mellow tones of Kate Bush on top of the city, but just a couple of pigeons 11 up on the shoulder