Confident Female Young Adult Character

Profile photo for Morgan King
Not Yet Rated


Here is a sample from an animated short about a confident young female leader.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The world we live in the world after the cataclysm. The tides and the drowning of Salter is a world without harmony and peace. A place of great turmoil and unrest. For some, such as the tide scattered shelter. It is a place without a past and a home. The surface is slowly turning into a graveyard of once great cultures as the few surviving ones vie for supremacy in a c sundered land. I myself, Mayor Sokoloff am a descendant of the Salter who survived the great drowning by fortune of being away from the city during the catastrophe. Despite that, the loss of our Heartland, its wholesale disappearance to the depths below left a great wound in our collective psyche and an astounding, vast riff. In our cultural memory. Our traditions hardly survive after several centuries of diaspora, but they cling on to dear life. Thanks to the efforts of individual Salter. My family tried and still try their hardest to keep the cell Taurean ways alive, passing old stories and customs down the family line through spoken word and repetition. But this alone and in such small numbers cannot preserve the old culture of my kin. Slowly as we are forced to seek other homes to settle in homes other than our own. Our ways fade in the past is forgotten. It is hard to accept it, but the Cell Tower culture is experiencing its final sunset. Not only did the archives and libraries of our once great drowned city contain a wealth of text about our culture, but the city itself once housed the cultures living practitioners. The cell tore Ian's themselves. But now we are scattered few and far in between like chaff in the wind and our wealth of culture is lost beneath the tide. At present day, the surface world is still dotted with a variety of cultures, each at a different stage of vitality. For example, the island of Petra, the last remaining shard of a once great kingdom of the same name, maintains its distinct way of life and relative isolation. However, their culture is growing stagnant, ossified and inflexible due to such policies remaining relatively unchanged for the past several centuries, an unnatural amount of time for any civilizations lifestyle to stay so static. As another example, the navy in nomads ways are still going strong, flourishing in the face of great adversity, somewhat of a paradox. Considering their cultures wander some nature, the reliance on traditions of spoken word and they're consistent clashes with the encroaching imperial influence of the central authority. The authority themselves as yet another example struggled to find any solid cultural ground to stand on despite being made up of numerous varied groups of people, each with their own colorful histories and customs. Instead, they rely upon loyalty to hierarchy and on military tradition to keep their political ties from fraying. And then of course, there are new cultures still emerging in the long week after the tides, forming up in response to the change ways of the people of the new world where there was a lack of rooted national history and shared past. A variety of stand ins arose companies, labor unions, and guilds of workers and adventurers alike. Within these non societal units, unique traditions, hierarchies and customs take shape. They fight for their place beneath the sun like any other. Despite all this, our world remains at strife with itself and destruction reigns over creation. We have proven time and time again that humanity can persevere in the face of incredible adversity and band together during and after world ending events. What we have woefully failed to do however, is preserve the past. The circumstances did not allow us to do this. Well, it is for this reason that I publish this journal of mine, containing with it a continuous study of the surface world cultures, traditions, customs, and ways of life old and new alike. Here I have set the records of my investigative journey throughout the world, accompanied by my very close lifelong friend Akane warrior named anna nemesis. We hope these writings are found satisfactory in the face of posterity. In truth, we do not know for certain what the future holds. Perhaps the world as it is, may not exist for very long. Perhaps none are exempt from the fate that befell the city of shelter the great jewel, but from the shared traumatic experience of the surviving cell torian people rebuilding will be a much easier task if at least a small ember of the past remains burning. This is my ember brought to the altar of time. Never again, maybe suffer alone in the dark.