
Profile photo for Mishmita Deb
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Video Narration


I was the voice artist for this news piece, as well as the editor of the video. I hope you like it!

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Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
after the military arrested civilian leaders on monday. In what activists called a coupe, Sudan's top general proclaimed a state of emergency, dissolved the traditional government and announced the establishment of new administration In April 2019, the military imprisoned members of the government tasked with overseeing the transition to democracy. Following the removal of dictatorial tyrant Omar al-Bashir. To correct the revolution's path, we have decided to proclaim a country wide state of emergency. Soldiers fired live bullets against protesters in Khartoum, soldiers ceased. Prime Minister Abdullah ham doc ministers in his cabinet and civilian members of Sudan's governing council. The Information Ministry stated soldiers invaded the Sudanese national broadcasters offices in Omdurman, cutting down internet connections throughout the countries around morning, people flocked to the streets shortly after lightning fires two tires and blocking highways with stones to protest the military action. Military troops used live ammunition on antico protest outside the army headquarters. The Communication Ministry claimed the fights had left a dozen of individuals injured the international world decried the power grab, which comes after weeks of tension between military and civilian leaders. Following bashir's removal, the european union demanded the civilians leadership released and warned against violence and carnage. America's special envoy for the horn of Africa, Jeffrey Feldman said the US is deeply alarmed at reports of a military takeover. Any changes to the government by force puts at risk U. S. Assistance. The United Nations called the detention unacceptable. As the African Union and Arab League expressed concern. Sudan's bankers association and Doctors Union on monday declared campaigns of civil disobedience