English narration sample

Video Narration


Sample of my voice for another audition

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome back to monkey recaps. Today, I'm going to explain the movie revolver released in the year 2005. Jake Green is very successful in the world of gambling Two years ago, he was released after serving seven years in prison solitary confinement when he came back to the business, he was penniless, he worked his way up and is now one of the most powerful men in the business. He works alongside his brother Billy, who is also his assistant. In the opening scene, Jake and Billy enter a casino that belongs to their nemesis, Dorothy Maca. Since Jake is known for never losing and gambling, the dealer denies him a table. When Micah gets a hint of his arrival, he insists jake be brought to him jake, ask Zeke an elevator to reach the floor. Macaw is in. After almost a decade of solitary confinement, he has developed claustrophobia and dreads using elevators. A voice in his head tells him that he shouldn't do what he doesn't want to do. Jake hears the voice frequently and is driven by it. He associated the voice to himself and his success, Maca and he share a heated conversation about being the best in the business before letting a game of chance decide the results. In the first round, Jake loses, which gives Macaw a sense of false accomplishment in the following round for more money, Jake wins efficiently, much to mecause dismay after he leaves with the money, the casino owner orders his finest assassin sword er to kill Jake since he is turning into a threat to the business. Meanwhile, Jake falls unconscious while exiting the casino and has to be rushed to the hospital. The doctors who run some tests on him and asks him to consult the lab Later for the results. On arriving home, Jake finds a note on his doorstep that says pick this up as he bends down to reach it, sword er fires the first shot they get into a shootout where Jake is almost killed. That is until a stranger named Zach rescues him. He seems to be the one who put the note on his doorstep. He takes jake to his partner Avi who happens to know everything about him. Jake thanks them for their help and is about to leave, but Avi reveals that he has acquired his hospital reports from earlier. The reports say that Jake has a rare blood disease that will kill him in at most three days. The duo promises to protect him from Makkah and find out a way for his treatment if he hands over all the money is made from gambling for the past two years. After confirming that the doctors have no answer to his illness, Jake reluctantly gives them his hard earned money