English. Professional in-home Studio

Profile photo for Mike Zarysky
Not Yet Rated


An educational book about A.I.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Three important revolutions shaped the course of history. A cognitive revolution, kickstarted history. About 70,000 years ago, the agricultural revolution sped it up about 12,000 years ago. The Scientific Revolution which got underway only 500 years ago may well end history and start something completely different. This book tells the story of how these three revolutions have affected humans and their fellow organisms. There were humans long before there was history. Animals much like modern humans first appeared about 2.5 million years ago. But for countless generations, they did not stand out from the myriad other organisms with which they shared their habits on a hike in East Africa. 2 million years ago, you might well have encountered a family cast of human characters, anxious mothers cuddling their babies and clutches of carefree Children playing in the mud, temperamental youths chafing against the dictates of society and weary elders who just wanted to be left in peace. Chest thumping machos trying to impress a local beauty and wise old matriarchs who had already seen it all conversational dialogue, Phoebe. But but this is my gig. This is where I play. My name is written out. There in chalk. You know, you can't just erase chalk. Rachel, honey. I'm sorry. PB. And he's going to be paying this woman. Why doesn't he just give her like a throne, a crown and a, you know, gold stick with a ball on top? Rachel. Terry is an idiot. Ok. That's why we're always saying Terry is an idiot. That's where that came from. Phoebe. Yeah. OK. You probably did everything you could Rachel. Ok. You know what? Let me just see what else I can do. All right. Look, look, why don't you just let her go on after Stephanie, whatever her name is and I mean, you won't even be there. You don't pay her. It's not gonna cost you anything. Terry. I, I, I don't know, Rachel. Come on, Terry, I'll even clean the cappuccino machine. Terry, you don't clean the cappuccino machine. Rachel. Of course I clean it. I mean, I, I will clean it, Terry. Oh, all right, fine, fine. Fine Rachel done. Phoebe. Really? Rachel. Yeah. Who's working for you, babe? Phoebe? 00 my God. This is so exciting. How much am I gonna get Rachel? What? BB? Well, you said that he's paying the people who are playing Rachel? Oh, no, no, no. I meant that he's gonna be paying the other women because she's a professional Phoebe. Well, I'm not gonna be the only one who's not getting paid. Rachel. Well, but Phoebes. No. Uh uh I'm sorry. No, no. I'm not some, like, sloppy second and charity bad. You know what? There are thousands of places in the city where people would be happy to pay to hear me play. When I play, I play for me. I don't need your charity.