English. Professional In-home Studio.

Profile photo for Mike Zarysky
Not Yet Rated


Self help. How to stalk with strangers.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Point # 34, be careful when discussing political issues. So you think, you know what should be done to solve the world's problems, you keep up with what's going on in the news. If you both have the same beliefs, fine, if you choose to solicit their opinion, that is fine. But don't argue with them. After all, nobody can change the world by pushing their political beliefs on others. Who knows, you might support the Republican party, then discover your potential buddy is a Democrat. Then what number 40 don't become aggressive or pushy by now, you have a system of managing your life and the life of your family members. This system involves things like tending to your daily schedule, doing household chores, managing your money, et cetera. Likewise, everyone has their own lifestyle and rules to live by goals. They wish to accomplish et cetera. For example, some work full time and take night school while others dedicate most of their time, taking care of their kids. Overall, people are typically busy and stay within their own circle of friends and prefer not to be bothered by outsiders whenever you approach a stranger. See if this person is willing to talk and do so. Only if he's willing, keep the talk short and allow them to get back to what they're doing. Everyone needs their personal space, so be polite and don't invade it.