Educational Narration -Thomas Payne

Profile photo for Mike McKenzie
Not Yet Rated


Educational film narration on the biography of Thomas Payne.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
after a rough 15 years of getting into out of and back into trouble while agitating for revolution across the European continent, Thomas Paine returned to America in 18 02 by then, his Hellfire radicalism and faded on a fashion. His drinking had become epic and is purportedly atheistic. Rantings and age of reason had turned many in the United States against the man whose polemics had stirred them to heroic efforts. The Federalist Press hounded pain as a center and jacket been with one Boston paper howling that he was, ah, lying, drunken, brutal infidel who rejoices in the opportunity of basking and wallowing in the confusion, devastation, bloodshed, wrap in and murder in which is soul delights. And so, upon his landing pain, reintroduced himself to his countrymen by writing public letters, explaining his actions on the continent, attacking his federalist foes and reminding his readers of his proper place in the revolutionary pantheon.