Audiobooks for ACX/Audible - No True Justice; Witness Protection 2

Profile photo for Mike Christensen
Not Yet Rated


Professional audiobook for sale on Amazon/Audible. First of a 3-book series I'm doing for H.L. Wegley

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
With no street lights. The shadows lining the narrow avenue provided dozens of places where Castellanos creeps could be hiding waiting for Gemma Saint. She shivered though the temperature was probably still in the eighties. On second thought, maybe Georgia wasn't such a bad name. Gemma flinched when her cell buzzed her leg and then sounded the alert for an arriving message who would text her at 11 pm on the fourth of July. It was too early for that monthly text about her phone bill and she hadn't made any friends yet. Not even at work or church, only a few acquaintances. The curse of being introverted. Gemma had been cursed at college too. The male students at Texas A and M had dubbed her in TJ girl. They considered the mystique of women with her rare introverted personality type a challenge and they had pursued Gemma ad nauseam. The women students on the other hand, considered her stuck up and unlikable back to the present where incoming calls or messages were rare events. She should probably check the message though. It was likely spam. Gemma pulled her phone from her shorts pocket. The display showed the name of the most important person she knew on planet Earth us, Marshal Cody Cottrell, her witsec inspector. In that role, Cody wore several other hats. Counselor, social worker, financial advisor, whatever Gemma needed him to be everything except the person who could give her back the life she loved. The life of Gemma. Saint Gemma touched the message. I got scanned the text and sucked in a breath so hard. She choked on it. Gemma your ID is compromised. Pack a bag now and prepare to leave. We'll call in a few minutes with more instructions. Had he used her real name? Why that was forbidden? Only one answer explained both the message and the breach of protocol. Witsec was over for Georgia Simpson. But what did that mean for Gemma Saint? And why weren't marshals here escorting her to safety to a new home and a new identity? Other questions came. How much time did she have she needed new ID? If Georgia Simpson had been compromised, how was she supposed to get it? The shadows around her pressed in invading her personal space. Men like Joseph Castellano employed assassins who committed unspeakable atrocities for revenge. Was someone already here hidden in the darkness waiting for her. A cat spit screeched and darted out of the shadows on her right run. Gemma. The warning came from somewhere deep inside more a feeling than actual words. Gemma broke into an all out sprint. Her runner's legs maintained that torrid pace for 2.5 blocks to her rented duplex breathing hard. When she reached her front door, she fumbled with her key and finally unlocked the door. Once inside, she secured all three locks without more information. She might make deadly mistakes. Gemma hurried to her bedroom and keyed in a reply to Marshall Cottrell's message. How much time do I have?