Dialog, Conversations, He/She, Husband/Wife, Friends, Co-Workers, Talking

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Dialog, Conversations, He/She, Husband/Wife, Friends, Co-Workers, Talking

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
coffee. Oh, thanks. How did you sleep? Like a baby. I don't want to get out of bed. What did you say? They're called again. Performance Betting by sheiks. Performance beddings? Yeah. I was never much of a drinker In college. Throughout my twenties my drinking was only social and never excessive Balancing career Marriage and motherhood consumed me. I began with a glass of wine each evening. Thio, take the edge off. What a crazy day. I know I need a smoke. I thought you were trying to quit. I am trying. It's just hard, though. I hear you, but it just takes a little practice. I mean, didn't you just teach sack to ride his bike? He kept falling off. You kept helping and get back on. So what is a credit union, Brian? Well, Kate, it's like a club, You see? What are you doing? I'm talking about membership. No, with your fingers, Those little air quotes when you say club, this is radio. They can't see that. Really? Hi. This is your future calling. That's right. Listen, Um ever since your car accident, I've been worried about us because we had plans. And I really hate being the bearer of bad news. But your pain is not going anywhere. I'm your future, So I know I love you, honey. I love you too. Oh, yeah. I love you too. Wait. Where? You're talking to your burger. Would that be so wrong? It's friendlies, honey. Barbecue burger.