Narration demo

Profile photo for Michael Kaye
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Nature documentary, B to B explainer, Reality detective crime thriller, IMAX science video, Financial explainer, e-Learning, corporate narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The majesty of the savannah is perhaps best understood from above sweeping fields give way to patches of trees. As the drone descends, it becomes clear that the entire lake has been taken over by migrating swans. Mark is a business owner. His customers use their smartphones in his store so they're always looking for free wifi. Traditional wifi has limited value for his business. So he uses net spot. It's seamless email and data collection system helps his marketing team Connect with every new customer. Shortly before midnight on July seven, police received a report of a stabbing in a quiet residential street in scripts ranch. For San Diego detectives, the scene marked the start of an extraordinary investigation. 4.6 billion years ago there was nothing here but gas and dust. Then shock waves from the explosion of a nearby star triggered a collapse that formed a spinning disc with a fiery core. A northwest mutual study says that 71% of US adults say their financial planning could use some planning, but only 29% of Americans work with a financial planner how you choose to invest right now can determine your financial trajectory for years to come. Emotional intelligence includes two different skills. The first one emotional awareness is how most people define emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize emotion in yourself and others. However, this definition leaves out the ability to use this awareness some see what is and ask why I think things that never were and say why not at Lindbergh family farms. We work with local climate organizations to cultivate best practices on how we grow our foods while maintaining nutrition integrity.