Documentary Demo



Multi-themed Documentary narrations

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
As they travel south, the men and women in the ship will be bitterly cold. Sun will burn their faces, wind will sear them. But they will feel fortunate to have become part of a great adventure for thousands of years. As human beings spread across the planet. No one came here. Alamogordo, New Mexico, a small town about 30,000 people, but it seems to attract more than its fair share of strange occurrences. It's right around the corner from where they tested the first atomic bomb. It's also the grave site of Ham, the first chimpanzee and really the first American to go into space. And it's the place where this guy broke the land speed record in a rocket sled which is cool, but also kind of strange. Despite all of this, the thing that Alamogordo is best known for is its landfill the dump. This is our galaxy. The milky way. Our sun takes 225 million years to go around the galaxy once the dinosaur era lasted 180 million years. So if one rotation of the galaxy is one hour, the earth is 20 hours old dinosaurs have lived for 48 minutes and us, 48 seconds. This is a comet. It's all ice and rock. It's 10 miles wide and it's headed for the earth fast.