Audio Books- Children



Demo of multiple genre of children's literature including Dialect/Character voices

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mm hmm. One morning mini shaw was still in bed when she heard a noise coming from the kitchen, she peeked in and saw something that made her heart jump. There was the broom sweeping the floor all by itself. It stopped for a moment and turned to the widow, then went back to work. At first Mina was frightened. One day in summer, Frog was not feeling well. Toad said Frog, you're looking quite green, but I always look green, said Frog. I'm a frog today. You look very green even for a frog. Get into my bed and rest. Toad made Frog a cup of hot tea. Frog drank the tea, and then he said, tell me a story while I'm resting. All right, said toad, let me think of a story to tell you. Three young travelers in single file plotted through the mid summer heat, crossing the bridge between Lambertville, which is in New Jersey and the Village of New Hope in pennsylvania. John Carpenter led the way. John was nearing 12 years lean, wiry and tall for his age. Behind him, close enough to carry on a conversation came his sister Madge Madge was 10, with a mop of Red Brown hair on her shoulders. Behind these two, and a long way behind was Oliver mead. Their cousin, a spindly boy of eight years. His thin little body pulled a ride by the way