A Perfect Match

Profile photo for Melanie Twine
Not Yet Rated


Romance novel based on a true story

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I sit here staring at the screen on my laptop, wondering if I really want to do this. I've never used a dating website before, but after having my heart broken one too many times. Maybe it was time for someone or something else to tell me who I'd be compatible with. Here goes nothing. I say to myself, taking in a deep breath, I tap on a done button with my laptop pad and close my eyes. I take a minute and reflect one year out of college, a decent job offering in Virginia at a museum for a curator position and the hunt for an apartment has begun. I hug myself for all that I have achieved. I was never the straight a student and was told by bullies in school that I would never amount to anything because of my wild child days. If only I could walk right up to them and shove my history degree in their faces along with my job offer and see the looks on every one of their faces that would sure show them. I shake my head to get rid of that silly idea and remind myself that I am an adult Kelsey dinner. My thoughts are interrupted and I opened my eyes to the sound of my mother's voice. My mother and I have always been so close. I will miss her hovering. Big heart and carefree spirit. I walk out to the kitchen and smell my mother's homemade jalopy. My mother moved here from Germany after meeting my father while he was on a business trip in Berlin. I can still hear my father tell me the story of when they first met. It was love at first sight when I saw her at a local market, looking over some different produce. She was wearing a beautiful navy blue swiss polka dot dress that had spaghetti straps that hugged her at her waist and flowed down to her knees. Her blond hair hung just over her shoulders and was curled a little at the ends. She wore a pearl necklace with matching pearl earrings that belonged to her mother. Her green eyes sparkled with wonder as she looked over the apples, carefully selecting the best ones. I had to talk to her. I just had to, so I bravely asked her what places she could recommend for me to eat at. A few choices were listed and we started talking about food and other things. She told me that this conversation was beginning to make her hungry and I asked her if she would like to join me for lunch and she immediately said yes, we have been in love ever since. I have always enjoyed hearing that story because it gave me hope that my soul mate was still waiting for me out there. My father was born and raised in buffalo new york from a polish and irish background. He moved to Syracuse new york after taking an exceptionally good position as a financial consultant. He has his rules but does not hover and I find that to be a fair enough exchange. Later that evening I retreat to my bedroom and climb into bed, pulling the covers up over my head. I closed my eyes and drift into a deep slumber. I wake up the next morning to the sun shining, it's late spring, raise on my face and stretch my arms up over my head. I swing my legs out of bed and head to the bathroom for a quick shower, letting the warm water hit my face. I wonder if I have any notifications telling me I have a match even though it has only been one day after showering and drive myself off, dress myself and head to the kitchen for some breakfast. It is saturday and I helped myself to some bacon, scrambled eggs and coffee and seat myself between my parents at our dining room table. I take a bite of scrambled eggs as my father put the newspaper down and looks at me with his brown eyes twinkling, with so much love and affection behind his glasses. He smiles at me with pride. So Kelsey last week of work coming up at Allen's antique shop, are you excited to go look at some apartments down in Virginia next week? My father asked. Absolutely. I have been doing my research and I found a few that I would really be interested in looking at. First. They won't be too far from where I'll be working either I answer my mother's size. I still can't believe my little girl is all grown up and ready to start the next chapter in her life. I smile at my mother and take a sip of coffee. I will miss these mornings with my family. I finished my breakfast, brush my teeth, and head back to my room to get ready for work. I do not have to be at work until 10 a.m. so I fired the laptop and check my email.