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Morning show demo

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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the basin's best music, 98 5 the Fox, little Santana and smooth, right there I am mat the mat in the morning show this morning. So now it's time for me to pretty much uh jump in there and share a little bit about myself, an embarrassing story about myself that happened to me this last weekend. I'm not proud of it by the way, but it did happen. So I thought, you know what, this might be something to get out there. Now get our text line down 8 to 8, Fox 8 to 8 fo X X 8283699. I want you to chime in on this one. Okay, so my age, I am 44 almost 45 years old, february 45. Right, And so this last weekend I went out, it was down, down south, went to ST George a little break and I played pickleball. If you don't know what pickleball is, it's kind of like tennis, but anybody can play. I mean, older people play younger people, it's pretty easy to do. It's kind of fun. It's kind of almost like tennis and ping pong, but it's, it's actually fun. Okay, so pickleball and I played it, I played it a couple of times before. Okay, and so of course I had some family out there and stuff and so when I play, I get a little competitive. Okay, so I had my wife tell me she goes, hey, you need, you need to stretch before the game. And I was kind of laughing like you right now, I need to stretch, stretch before pickleball. I'm in good shape and 44 I need to stretch so get out there and start playing and even though it's a family, I get a little intense, okay because it's, it's pickle ball and then I just get into it, right? And uh so here's what happened. I uh it's bad. I'm going for, you know, the little little dive right over the net, the ball comes over, I'm trying to get, you know, serving back over so we don't lose a point. Pulling the muscle, the calf muscle in my right leg just a little bit okay enough that I can play through. I don't show any sign of pain. I just hobble like I can do this, it's a little cramped. No big deal. Next set I go to hit it again. The left leg pulls really hard and I almost fall to the ground but I hobbled up for a second. I'm able to get off one more serve and I think they can all see it. They're like, are you okay? I'm like, I need to stop for a second. Okay. Never happened to me before. You know, I'm not the most athletic person, but it's never happened before. I go off and I'll just walk this off, I'll just walk this off, gets bad. I almost wanted to get a cart like the football players, I mean, I needed, I was gonna yell medic, I couldn't, I could not return to the game. I lived the rest of the week and it still hurts. So my question to you out there on our text line. 8283699828 Fox. How old were you when you realized that your body just wasn't, You know what I mean? This wasn't keeping up. I think I hit 40, but I've never had this before. I'm like, whoa, maybe I do need to stretch. So I'm just kinda curious where do you follow? This was the first time you realize, wait a minute. I'm not as young as I was 8 to 83699828 Fox. I want to hear from you this morning. I'm telling you I'm still sore. I'm still limping around every now and then. It's kind of crazy. So there you go. Text me 8283699828 Fox. I want to hear from you. When did you realize you hit that old point? You're listening to matt in the morning on 98 5 at the Fox. Don't drive, do the watermelon crawl. Eagle country