Morning show

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Bit from my morning show

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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the Basin's Best music, 98 5 The Fox, The Mat in the morning Show, Good Morning to you. Time is 7, 12 and uh, it's a great day today in case you're wondering guess why because it's national disc jockey day. Yeah. Finally a day for myself. You know, I talk about these days what national data is on the show all the time. I never get one for myself. Just like everybody else has one. I finally got one today. This is for me, baby. I'm proud of it. So we're gonna talk a little bit about national disc jockey day today, January 20. Now, the reason it's on january 20th is because one of the original disc jockeys died 57 years ago, Alan freed He helped popularize the term rock and roll in the 1950s. So yeah, there's all kinds of, I mean, there's like a squirrel appreciation day. I'm glad there's a national disc jockey day, but I have some facts about this, which kind of blew my mind a little bit. It wasn't too, I didn't know about this and I'm a disc jockey. So here's a few quick facts and stats for national disc jockey day today. Most of us that are disc jockeys don't just wing it. A recent poll found that 95% of radio DJ spend at least an hour prepping freed shell. I just roll out of bed. I come in here. I'm usually late. I just go with the flow. Some actually take up the three hours or more. No, I'm really lacking in that department. This is kind of interesting. It says here that a disc jockey is one of the sexiest jobs in the world. That's not a joke. They say I have a face for radio. According to Tinder, radio personality is one of the most right swiped jobs you could have And if you're single, you got the shot. 39% of people have dated a listener before. That's crazy when DJs were asked why they do what they do. The number one answer was it's fun, irritating people. Next was followed by its emotionally fulfilling. It is fun. But this is a statement. I agree with the most. It says that over half said in this statement, they agree it's the only thing I know how to do. It's what I do best. It's the only thing I have no other skills except this. So there you go. National DJ day today. How about that? I can get myself a round of applause for that one. I did not know that was one of the sexiest jobs in the world. That's kind of scary. The Basin's best music, 98 5, The Fox, the Mat in the morning show, Good morning to you this morning. I remember, do you just learn anything from this show? Just remember it's National DJ Day. You can tell I'm stuck on this one. Right? The station where you hear today's hits and yesterday's favorites, 98 5 The Fox. Hey, it's matt with 98 5 the Fox invited you to join me for plain white tees live in concert, thursday evening, january 27th at the vernal Middle.