Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Matthias Ayalew
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A brief commercial demo showing different styles - conversational, Friendly, comedic, smooth, excited

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
At indigo chapters and calls. We think summer is the perfect season to relax and recline with a great book. Whatever it is you want to read this summer, we've got it, read, relax repeat. Deck chair not included. I've been called Shrimpy for a while. It bothered me. But after eating Chichi's new crunchy shrimp, take it as a compliment because there's a lot of big flavor in churches. Crunchy shrimp. Mm Gotta have that crunch churches. These are your worries melting away the daily grind put to the side on simmer. We get it. That's why we make expertly crafted kitchenware designed to keep you in your happy place. Paterno. It's a cooking thing. Get ready for more everything. Five K video, seven times more resolution than HD and detail in every frame, more power, more resolution, more screens, more smooth gopro Hero Nine. When you play like us, you gotta go big check on my nerve eagle point with an eight dart rotating drum, attachable barrel and scope. Play your way with the nerve eagle point. It's nerve or nothing.