Gaming Reel

Profile photo for Matthew Mesiano
Not Yet Rated


Produced by Martin Fisher

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Uh huh. Okay. Just jump counter five and pull the cops. How can that be? Oh, crab. Ah, that is a relief, sir. Havana is also my destination. Always lie together. You do? Put me Lisa. Dash my buttons to think I took you for a pirate when you first appeared. Uh huh. Tell me, Jack. How did you know Stairs? My only witness. Yeah. Next. Electrocution and explosions and gunfire. Rust corrosion viruses being called bad names. Falling from great heights being turned on by women and pat allergens. I don't really believe in a god. If there is one, I hope he's forgiven. Maybe Sarah was right. We should go home. I used to dream of exploring the stars, but this But this is no boy's dream. Do you understand? What I'm saying at all doesn't make sense. Just tell me. Just say yes, OK? What are you doing? There is jumping. You just jumped. But never mind. Say say apple apple. Okay, You know what? Let's go stuff. Just all type. Okay. Can you see the basket on the left hand side of the screen? Great. Use the space bar to throw that ball into the basket. great. Now this time in for the basket my grandmom whacked me crosswise for stray near the whispering hillock Who happens there Now is a wonder few times folks around here well, he gathered to chop down the trees and burning the curse that soil back to use. But sir, none came back going through the sewer. From there we scale up the wall, run across the rooftops and just drop down into the exhibit. All Bob's your uncle and what is worth all this trouble? I hear you ask face.