There is a caring comforting sound to my voice. Many Health Care ads.

Profile photo for Mary Lucia
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I've done dozens of hospital and patient care spots. My voice is reassuring and relatable.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
At Children's Wisconsin, This is a check up. So is this, this is healing. And so is this this is a life changing medical intervention. And so is this. And these are living beating heart cells. One day we hope to grow living beating hearts. So kids who need a transplant won't have to wait for a donor. Sound like science fiction. It's innovation for kids health. And so is this a stack of our famous pancakes? Kids love them and happy kids heal faster. It's fact at Children's Wisconsin, we care for the whole church child, every aspect of health, their physical, social and mental well being. It's what drives us to go beyond, to advocate for all kids to do more, To keep striving, keep pushing forward. Because when we focus on every aspect of a child's health, we unlock innovation in more ways than you might imagine. That's why innovation means more at Children's Wisconsin