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Profile photo for maryjoy de leon
Not Yet Rated
Voice Assistant


3years of being online English teacher, one on one video instructor/english tutor

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General) Native American (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. My name is teacher Mary. I am 21 years old from Batangas Philippines certified TFL and also a bachelor degree holder major in elementary education. My hobbies are singing, dancing and play with kids In my almost one year of being an online E. S. L. Teacher with my respective and former chinese students, I gained a lot of experience especially in developing the teaching and learning process in different english levels both kids and adults. It helps me to provide a comfortable teaching environment. I know that learning is not simple, it could be full of struggles. So as a teacher I will always make, our class is fun with learning english. It's such a rewarding feeling to help them boost their confidence and improve their english communication skills in a lively and enjoyable way, yet informative.