Sample Voice Over Script for Financial Institutions and Banking

Profile photo for Martha Mekonen
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Voice over displayed a respected, non-judgemental approach to giving financial advise and assistance to the listeners.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let's say goodbye to high interest rates. Maxed out credit cards, overdue loans and constant badgering from collection agencies this spring boost your credit rating to a score that you can be proud of. If you've tried everything and nothing is working, then there's one thing left to do and that's to turn to us here at Creative Credit Solutions. Even if your credit rating is poor, we will work with you to get you back on track. It's a daunting process. So don't go at it alone. We're here to help schedule an appointment to get your free credit report today.