Animation Demo

Profile photo for Marissa Charles
Not Yet Rated

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I never expected anything with, like, glue 10 to be so Oh, so, Daisy. Oh, hi, guys. I saw none of you are zp to buy Study date label by Dr Does. Oh, okay. What, you don't is a baby Good, Norbert. Oh, it's awfully e Just want Mr Dixon. I know. I know. Three times five is 30. It's not hard. Really. And if people just opened up their textbooks, they get it to why, after hitting three of the little careers my big old truck, I thought, Why not start picking them up? They make a great snack. Want to get track marks out of the way? Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls never looked at me in class today. Like, really looked at me like I bet he knows The color of my eyes looked at me and Okay, okay, So the wedding is around seven years. You'll have six dogs and you'll be my bridesmaid and will be the most happiest day of my life. Oh, we couldn't possibly be together. Your test, remember? And I'm a math Veton. I'm just hiring the social standings, and you are. And you just have to accept that. No, Mom really? I bought tuna cans. And the most impressive thing Tupperware. I bought myself Tupperware. Yeah, I feel the wrinkles coming in quite nicely. No.