The Princess and the Goblin Narration

Profile photo for Mariah Bless Pabi
Not Yet Rated


The audio is based on a sample script which entails the part of the story which depicts the closeness of the princess to her nurse.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I want her new t. That was her pet names for the nurse. What? You just eggs? Taste like she said she was her eggs. Not quite a common one for the always picked up. Thank you. Lost with her? No. Get peaches. Egg. I usually judge for yourself. Seglin Nurse! Oh, no, no, no, no. Returning green suddenly reflecting them undisturbed old lady in gentlemen. And that even if they did not, she would have one less in consequence Honda Strange. Make sure you are said than yours. 1st 1 nothing had that to refuse it. But she did not say Cross me. Now the princess have reminded any remorse that not on frankly, while you see looting their reasons she returned and said no more for she did not want to bring up the subject of their forms. Tribe Blaster nurse should offer to go before she had her grandmother's permission to bring her. Of course, you could refuse to take her, but then should believe from less than ever