Omobola Johnson

Profile photo for Maria Akinsanya
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This demo was done to introduce a guest speaker for a Leadership Series Programme.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
who is Dr Mamabolo Johnson. Doctor Mamabolo Johnson is a senior partner of Teal Calm Capital, a venture capital firm with recent focus and deal flow generation investment and value generation and technology companies in the sub Saharan Africa. Before joining Teal Come, Doctor on Mobile A. Johnson was a minister of communication technology in Nigeria from 2011 to 2015 focusing on the launch and execution off the National broadband plan and the support of the Nigerian technology industry, including the pioneering involvement off the government in a local VC fund. And the nets work off start up incubator wrists. Prior to serving in the Nigerian government, she gained over 25 years of consultant experience with a censure, including five years as a Contra managing director, working with companies in a variety of industries, transforming them into more competence of and dynamic organisations. Doctor Mobile A. Johnson serves on the board off a number of leading Nigerian and multinational corporations. She also serves on the board of the World Wide Web Foundation as the founding chairperson and trustee. Women in Management and Business Doctor Mobile A Johnson has a bachelors in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Manchester, A Masters in digital electrics from King's College, London, and a doctorate in business administration from the School of Management off Cranfield University. She is the recipient off the distinguished alumina, a word from Cranfield University and the Legace Business School when it was sounded applause. Please join me in welcoming Dr Mobile A. Johnson, our guest speaker at the turd edition of Sterling Leadership Suze.