Ducky POC detective

Profile photo for Mariama Nish Nish
Not Yet Rated


Ducky, a black female comedic amature detective in search of an ancient treasure

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay, listen up. Because we have a lot to go over. So you see this thing here? This giant tower that's the tower of garble, the sacred beacon that houses all the magic in our world or something like that. The tower appeared in the middle of the ocean about three weeks ago, and word spread fast that there's some sort of treasure inside. As we speak, adventurers are sailing to that island to climb it and claim the treasure for themselves. It's a race to the top. Whoever gets there first is the winner. And as for me, I think the treasure sounds totally stupid. What do you think it's going to be a part of gold coins or something? What do you even do with that? That sounds like it sucks. Know the real reason I'm going to the tower is because there's something up there that I need something better than treasure. Even though the lemonade was made from lemons, it was way too sour compared to lemonade I've had before. That only leaves three options. One. The lemons on this island aren't ripe, and using them will always make a sour lemonade to the glass. I used was a magic glass that makes everything sour. Oh, three. That's it. The lemonade must have more ingredients than just lemons. But what could it be? The lemonade I buy from the store has a distinct colour and tart flavour. We look different than the one I made today. The fact that colour and sour wieners aren't as strong means they must have used something to cut the flavour. But what could be added to a fruit juice to cut the flavour and change its colour? Finally, I'll be able to solve this mystery when I find the Golden Biella. Then I'll find you.