Value of science in everyday life

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200 words

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Young Adult (18-35)


US African American


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Value of science in our everyday life. Science has turned wonders for modern civilization. It has made human life simpler and more comfortable. The man had to rely solely on the mercy of nature in ancient times and in society, man, power was the only source by doing for doing any labor's work. Man invented new appliances and applied new techniques to do things in all walks of life. As time passed man has now entered the nuclear age. He is now capable of finding many of space mysteries. Science has advanced human society to unimaginable heights in some western countries, even a small needle cannot be manufactured today without the use of science. It saves both time and tables, railways, trams, buses, ships and airplanes have made travel more convenient and faster. Again. Radio, wireless, telephone, fax, television and computer aids. In the rapid sector of knowledge. Science has performed miracles in the field of medicine though its work is not yet finished. However, scientist, scientific achievements are not without their drawbacks unless and until scientific inventions are widely used for the good of humanity and civilization. With the quest of peace and progress, they will end up destroying the civilization that has been built over such a long period of time and it's such a hard work.