Psychology Lecture Sample Audio

Profile photo for Daniel Maday
Not Yet Rated


Audio excerpt from one of my lectures for my Introduction to Training Program Design and Evaluation course. Slides and accompanying materials available upon request.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome to you. Unit five of Snipe 5, 33 Weeks six and this unit. We wouldn't be going over budgets, return on investment details and a review of the interactive model we've covered throughout this term. So to get started, we'll take a look at the agenda for today's lecture for this unified lecture. We'll get started, actually touching back on assignment three B, which was reflection paper number two. And then we'll briefly go over your discussion boards from this last weekend, which was for a going over evaluations. We'll also of a brief moment bookable for some of the insights from the survey responses so far for the mid course evaluation I sent out to you. After that, we'll dive into the actual content for this unit, which will be Unit five. Budgets are Y and details. And as we do the looking beyond the reading, welcome to some more details of how in great budgets for training programs and develop some different ways of having r y. And then from there we'll go over the details, and then a large bulk of today's lecture will be on your upcoming assignments. You have quite a few laid out here both for this weekend next. So I want to spend some time here to let you know what's the road ahead. And, uh, maybe filling some gaps you may have had SSB, including this Friday's discussion board. Five A. Well, you'll be preparing a kind of prefab budget and agenda. Then, of course, you have Assignment six a, which you heard plenty about. And that's your draft program plan. And then upcoming next week on Tuesday will be evaluation of appears program Plan six B and, of course, the Big Kahuna seven A. Your final program plan. And of course, we wouldn't be complete about talking about course evils. But it will be at the very end and those who come out next week so very bluntly. It's gonna be a busy week. There's a lot of content we're putting together here. It's not all gonna be from scratch, but there's a lot going on in a lot of moving parts. So with that in mind, I hopefully I'm gonna find it so that we're not overwhelmed and can kind of swim along with these waves of things as they're coming. And I fully acknowledge there's a lot going on in your your lives in the world right now. Eso as you've been doing a phenomenal job of so far, please just continue to communicate and let me know what's going on. Um, so it's national feel this way, But again, just just work with me. We'll get through this. Um, so one of things I actually wanted to address before they get started formally is if there's any questions before we get started. And this is because I've gotten a number of emails in the last week all good questions that I wanted to share with the rest of you because there were such good questions. S 01 of the first things to consider here are Do I have to planet every part of my program plan? And the answer is yes and no. Yes, you need to have something right out for all these things, but it's also fun if you're not entirely sure, or if you're looking for feedback on some of these areas here, you could even say in one area that, you know, particularly the budget. I don't imagine you can say I planned have a budget for a three day program. Here's the rough budget number I have. But if you don't have the itemized details at this point, that's perfectly fine, because this actual cover that so, uh, make sure you've addressed all the main components laid out in that guide. I have for you there in the word document. But if there's things that seem a bit skinnier, that's fine, too. We'll be filling. Those are a little bit more on the lighter program. Also, use your judgment on where your time is that where your focus is best spent. Um, it also may be that you may feel like you have multiple programs. If that is the case, please do. Let me know. I'm gonna help make sure that those air in alignment odds are you probably have multiple modules or components of your program, which shall be gonna splayed out very common for, you know, have a larger program on then for this assignment, focus on a smaller section of that that's really good to kind of show the larger context where it fits in. But you do not have to explain the entirety of a multi day, multi week or month long training program that's farm or than what the assignments calling for than, frankly, probably have time for. Instead, I might have focused on fully flushing out the context and perspective of where that puts in, but the actual less itself is a bit more contained. Also related to the readings. For this week. You may have some questions about what we're doing some non academic articles that's in part to kind of mix things up and show you some perspective, especially now that you've finished up your research paper and might be trying to look for some other perspectives or things to support your program designs as we things wrapped up for your week's assignment. Now, unfortunately, nobody else is on the lecture right now that I see, I'm gonna do a quick check to see what else is good. Jumped in. No one in there quite yet. Um, but I know that a lot that's been going on the last few days, so I don't don't blame me for that, but if you any other questions going forward, please do for for let me know. And if nobody joins in late, we'll have some other pauses for this as well. We've had, though, on to slide five for the lecture. First thing I want to get into is your recent assignment. Reflection paper, three B. Overall, we had some nice thoughts and approaches for different applications. Um, General preferences, I noticed, were that people enjoyed talking about role play, lecture and different forms of interactive online learning. So this could have been simulations, project based learning, Gamification or any other mix like that. Um, overall really good ideas there. Some were very broad, some very specific. Um, but the good thing we saw throughout them is that there's a lot of good background and contacts going in here. You weren't just telling me. Um, here's how this idea is used in a vacuum, but it's how you can use it in your perspectives. Maybe it was in the researcher came up in hospitals and in schools, but you want to apply it to a business and talking about some of these bridges we'd have to build those perspectives is very helpful. That's exactly the sort of thing you should be having as you do your final project plan. Uh, if you did not do this, I don't worry. I gave you some feedback on that and just want to make sure you incorporate those ideas and dear plans going forward. Um, one of the really big areas for us to really expand upon here is to show pros and cons and show applied examples of how these things are being put in. Use all of those air from a lecture in some form or another. You listen to this, however, how we do lecture can change. I'm not here face to face. You're not here with me. You're probably watching this later on or even listening to it. Eso even though it's traditional lecture format, um, the details that can change quite a bit and how that it changes and how it's modified is a key component we wanna lay out just like we would have with any other technique as well. Um, not going forward with something ideas Here. I want you to think about what you found out or what you expanded your understanding dog in three B and try to apply that in your final project. Now, if you don't want to use that same technique, that's fine. Um, but using the analysis and the critiquing that kind of came up here. If you're using certain methods in your program, tell me why you're using them and why you're not using others. Because this helps clarify some of decision making and priorities you have along the way. Um, likewise, a few things I just want to go ahead and clarify because they come across a few number of papers, one of which is that role play can take many different forms. Um, commonly, we think of role play. Is this kind of one on one interaction? Or maybe there's a whole classroom full of people, but they're partnered up. Uh, that's definitely a very common waited A role play, but it's not the Onley way we do it either. It can actually be a bit more group or team based, and this is actually really create away toe have some mawr unique applications of it. Um, in fact, one of my favorite things is having what I call a symmetrical role play. And this is where we're gonna have some of those mawr would otherwise be uncomfortable role play scenarios applied in a safer setting. Perhaps you want to have a demonstration of what our learners should dio in case of an emergency or just a complex situation, and we're talking about what's may be appropriate work behavior, inappropriate work behavior. We obviously don't want to put any of our learners in a case where they are abusing others or doing anything questionable. We also don't want to subject them to that, either. However, by creating a multiple respective setting we can do is have to instructors who have agreed to in our comfortable having kind of a priest scripted interaction where they're doing something that is, you know, unethical or something that's against company guidelines. And then the main role of our learners is that of the bystander, the audience. They're the ones who can call it out and say, Hey, that's wrong or they can report it or whatever else is going to be appropriate for that situation That way they're getting a realistic and frankly, probably more applicable setting than being subjected to whatever undesirable behavior there is. But we're a lot of them be able to practice doing those proactive activities you want them to dio and, of course, talk about the lecture, put them in a memo. But having that safe yet realistic balance give me an interesting way for us to apply role play. Similarly, I want to talk about simulations being either low tech or high tech. There's all sorts of different applications that can have where I saw plenty people talk about them in the medical field, which is great, very, very common there. I have also seen people make allusions to them in the military or in flight. You probably have been familiar with flight simulators, Um, but there's also sort of other simulations to their actually commonly applied to business. And I used to work for a business simulation companies, if you have questions about that and having to share, but they also don't have to be high tech, either.