Clear English with general accent

Profile photo for Madalo Macias
Not Yet Rated


The sample is a reading of a poem salute to older lovers by Maya Angelou. This is a home recording.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I have come to speak of love of its valleys and its hills. Its tremors choose and thrills. I've come to say, I love love and I love loving love and I surely love the brave and the steady hurts would dare to love Today. These lovers have broken the bonds of timidity and stepped out before the entire world to say, see us family and friends denying none of the years which have branded our bodies and none of the past broken vows which have seared our souls. You may think this undertaking should be left to younger. I had. But love has given us the courage to venture bodily into the second country of marriage. At the meeting our wrinkles, we allow them to show themselves bravely, and our bones know the weight of the years. Yet we dare first down loneliness and embrace the uplifting communion found in a good marriage. Were there and we hope