Video Games Reel



4 x Demos from different well know Video Games on one reel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
For 20 years after the assassins defeated the tempt Plaz in London, the city enjoyed a certain peace until the autumn of terror. In 18 88 London is plunged into shadow and fear by a series of gruesome and unsolvable murders. The brothels of Whitechapel seem warm and safe by comparison to its streets where prostitutes are being mutilated and being left on grotesque display for the world. To ogle Jacob Fry hunts the elusive killer to bring an end to the terror of Jack the Ripper. It is watch at that squad on me. It's imperative. You stay frosty at all times until we link up with Bravo squad. They're camping out about three clicks out of here in a forested location. Make use of your night vision goggles. Watch me like a hawk the rest of the time and stay low, await my instruction. Yeah, if I take my finger off this shiny red button, this whole realm will burst into brilliant, glorious flame and you young lady will be wholly responsible for its beautiful destruction. If you so much as move a muscle from where you're sitting, my finger comes off this slippery surface. Boom and I make your actions go viral. Broken alone. I was dumped at the town orphanage there. I met two guys who became my lifelong buddies and trusted crew. Bentley techno genius and strategist supreme and Murray part time driver and full time burden together, we pledge to track down the fiendish five, avenge my father and steal back the thous Raus.