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this season. It's time to be strong, be fierce and take a stand. He killed You know you're a coast. I don't want to make sexy Potter you with you. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt The new season streams May 19th on Lee on Netflix. They were taken to serve the leaders and their barren wives to bear Children for them. Blessed are those who suffer for the cost of righteousness. Based on the novel by Margaret Atwood. Ah Helou original The Handmaid's Tale August 17th were keeping Thursday's fashionable. And with the string of A list celebs, TV's most cutting edge competition is back. As you know in fashion, one day you're in and the next day you're out. Project Runway Season premiere Thursday, August 17th on Lifetime Sunday Join your favorite stars for live performances on Broadway's biggest night. Kevin Spacey hosts the Tony Awards live CBS Sunday 87 Central. Sometimes the best cops aren't always good. Cops really feel are soon between good cop bad cop. There are shades of blue Sundays on NBC Week Days. It's the tastiest show in daytime with all star guests and decadent treat. Guilty pleasure. When it comes to cravings. Take a bite out of the two week days on ABC