
Warm, Friendly Restaurant IVR/Telephone Recording - British


Lafayette Restaurant IVR/Voicemail - Smooth, Polished, Welcoming


Package Details

Let's be honest... nobody loves having to call a business and sit through an array of menu options before you can speak to a real person. To make the experience easier and more pleasant for your customer, you need a friendly, relatable and perhaps most importantly REAL voice to help them along!

If you're looking for a warm, conversational and authentic voice for your phone or IVR system, look no further. I'll bring your script to life, making your phone system a pleasure for your customers to listen to.

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Other Packages by Lizzy




Number of Words Up to 100
Delivery Days 24hr
Number of Revisions 1
Non-Broadcast License
High Quality Audio File
Split Files (Up to 10)

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