Animation Demo

Profile photo for Lily Fitch
Not Yet Rated


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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yes, yes. Who's there now, darling? I simply can't understand you with that accent. My my my don't you look lost here. Come inside. Where are you going? So I followed the breadcrumbs until I came to the candy house. Then I asked the fairy godmother to turn me into a real boy. But she said there is already somebody sleeping in my bed. So I huffed. And I puffed in. I lived happily ever after. I've been smoking for almost all my life. And all the doctors used to say it was the key to a long life. So why should I quit when I'm only 29? Oh my goodness! You were so cute! You are the cutest vanished bulletproof and I love you so much. The thugs out to tie, tie. I got some blocks on my face, but toes are in the sand. It's time to grab my board and party. There was my cat, Scarlett O'hara done stuck up in that tree. I said, Lord, if you get my Scarlet down, I'll sit in the front Pure church every sunday. Hey, you shut your mouth when you're talking to me or I'll shut it for you. Uh.