What's the point?

Profile photo for Lianne Kritzinger
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This is a demo sample I recorded for my profile.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What's the point? So what's the point? Why you doing it? Working so hard getting up every day, making it all happen For what? This you know, For most people, enough is good enough. Take the French. They work. Stroll home sub in a cafe and parlay Voo francy ahs about art. Take August off off. Why aren't you like that? Why on't we like that because we are Americans. That's why we are in it to win it You to Canada. Other countries think we're nuts, but whatever with the Wright brothers and saying it isn't Bell was kiddie nuts when he pointed to the moon. Yeah, that's right. The moon. We went up there And you know what? We got bored. So we left still got a car up. They left the keys in it. You know why? Because we're the only ones going back up there. That is why. But I did Grace. Fact is, America is where it all goes down the most level playing field on Earth. If you want in the game, this is the place to play and all the stuff, well, that's just a way to keep school, says Lovey.