Liam Matthews Character Reel 2022

Profile photo for Liam Matthews
Not Yet Rated


One minute of characters I have performed. All recordings done in my home recording studio.
Mix and Master done by myself as well.

Thanks for listening!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Don't you get it? You took everything from me, and I will, I swear, make you pay for this. Welcome to my shop. May I interest you in my magical wares? What makes you think that that would be okay? I'm not okay with it. You shouldn't be okay with it. So let's take it and throw it away. You really thought that you could just walk in after a few days and act like you own the place? It's not how it works around here. Are you stealing from me? You're about to find out. I don't like it when people steal from me. Get out of there, Skippy. Where are you off to? Have you been going through people's yards again? Hey, hey, hey! Oh, you actually came. Ah, this is awesome. We're finally going to be able to work together. Shut up! Get away from me! Just leave me alone!