Commercial Demo - Enthusiastic, Knowing, Caring, Happy, Real Person

Profile photo for Laura Doman
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Includes: Norwegian Cruise Line (motherly, happy), Marshall's (wildly enthusiastic), Mazda (nonchalant), Fresh Market (personable, informative), American Express (concerned, reassuring), Ring Doorbell (authoritative, kind)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my kids want a vacation where they can just be kids and get a sugar fix. My husband. Well he just liked to slip away and hit the casinos. Well I, I could really use some R and R. Time if you know what I mean. Norwegian cruise line. Here we come. What makes marshall's so special? You find things you weren't looking for but now that you have life wouldn't be the same without them celebrate the thrill of shopping and marshals who needs boundaries. Be inspired around every corner in the unexpected crossover. As adventurous as you. The elegant new Mazda C X three. Feel alive as an amateur shelf. I love making healthy and delicious food for my friends and family. Every chance I get the more fruits and veggies the better. So I count on the fresh market for every leafy, crunchy piece of fresh produce and now I can shop in store or have it delivered in less than an hour. The life you want is out there. Once you find it, let us help you live it. American express know what's happening inside and around your home when you're there. And especially when you're not smart protection starts with ring home security plus video doorbell, putting peace of mind at your fingertips.