Animated character voiceovers

Profile photo for Laura Page
Talent Online
Not Yet Rated


A compilation of character voices that might be suited for animations, or cartoons.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm not just a cute little boy with wings on a bow and arrow making everybody fall in love. No, sir. I do much more than that. See, Valentine's Day is about more than just blotters. That's about showing family friends and special someone how much you care and I cut, have the tools to help you do just that. This is exactly how we is like us. Get a bad rap. I'll help you this one last time I will cast the spell and you do the questioning. But if it doesn't work, then I'm sorry. But you are on your own. Wait, just a second. You're the guy with all the superhuman powers. You're the one who can fly through the air, repel bullets, bench press cars and save beautiful girls, et cetera. Wait, why all of a sudden is the fate of the world on my shoulders? Then I'm just a sidekick. Remember, I'm not the save the world type. I'm just here for like, like moral support. Hold up. You're not trying to use me as bait, are you? My job isn't merely destruction. Contrarily, I'm here to free you of your selfish arrogance. Most people choose to focus only on my catastrophic force while ignoring the fact that their own actions summoned my fury. Can you blame nature for taking its course? Not any more than you can blame the lion for attacking the lamb? Despite your foolish ignorance, you knew this day would come. Now it's time to reap what you've saw. I don't think you understand, sir. There's absolutely no way you'll be seeing her today. No, she can't just move things around. She's very busy, sir. I will just hang up on you if you continue to. No screw you.