
Profile photo for Laneshia N Miller
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
stand beside your bed and slowly became to settle yourself white down the booth To come to a place of stillness, Feel the ground rise up to meet your feet and grounding Feel yourself standing strong and steel Yeah, sleep, Breathe Allow for a moment to pass further Deepen your breaths, please and become more aware of what is going on in your body Traveling from the ground up Notice how you feel your feet, your cat thing e Once she reached the crown of the head. Sit down bed. Aziz Shipley, as you possibly can remain in that place for inner stillness. Notice how your body feels now e would align to this new position e travel from the head down this time softening any lingering energy in your body body which you reach The totals will continue to soften something on and breathe until your body does A self doesn't cloud to cloud just like before. Travel from the lead Damnedest, stylized yourself physically any leaver and energy in your body, right? Once you reach the toes, continue to software and breathe into their body Feels a soft as a cloud You're ready for sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet sleep, sleep, sleep A leap sleeping, sleep Yeah, yes,