We're Milk

Profile photo for LaDarien Spencer
Not Yet Rated


Script for milk commercial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We're milk. This is our world. We're a community of content creators and storytellers, rule breakers and cultural rebels. Milk is where fashion aren't. Music, photography and film cohabitate collide and cross over. We bring the emerging in the iconic together to encourage collaboration in a night while creative. Today media is more innovative than ever before. It changes by the minute. By the second Lincoln, you might miss it. So we're not here to do what's already been done. Nor are we interested to maintain the status quo. Instead, we wanted dismantle boundaries, flip the script this culture into progressive and uncharted realms, champion new and exalt the uninhibited. If I the labels that hold us down and free the individual, the float to the top. We're new era pioneers, shaping our dreams and our reality into something none of us has ever seen before. I even believed was possible. This is our truth. Ideas come from unexpected places. There are no identical past its success. Visionaries don't work off a blueprint and culture moves fast so you can sit back and watch. I jump in and swim. We aim to Letha way, join us