Character Demo Reel

Profile photo for Kyle Kaczmarczyk
Not Yet Rated


Animation, Audio Drama, Video Game, Hero, Antagonist, Dramatic

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I heard you were in town. I'm sorry to say that the amulet has been destroyed but its power rests in me. No, prepare to witness the dawn of a new cosmic error. Brother. I had to grow up so quickly. Even when dad was alive, you're not willing to recognize how your actions affect others. But if you took the time to help yourself, you'd be helping everyone around you as well. Fine, I'll prove you wrong. I changed my what if you don't want free will, but I'm accidentally forcing you to have free will because you said yes to free will because you don't have any free will. I gave in to Fortuna instance, deflecting his strikes with blades of wind and firsts of gravity. The longer I held him off the more he started to slow the term distorts a complex set of problems, boiling it down to a word that feeds into the problematic idea that human behavior can be categorized into a concept as black and white, as good and evil. I just don't understand when you're so adamant about defending them. When you've got no reason to be, why do you care so much Dude, Do you owe this guy or something? Let's do it. Let's order a pizza. Sorry, I zoned out there for a minute. What were you guys talking about? This entire universe is full of monsters. They all have something inside of them burning to get out and no one can quell those flames. No one even tries, No one but me. You're both pulling double shifts till valentine's day starting now. Crumble before me, puny waters. No one will be spared. No. I don't know why dying is so hard, but I miss you. I miss you so much.