Corporate Business Steel Demo

Video Narration


Shows a natural, gritty, professional tone meeting a more blue collar or rugged requirement.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
steel. It's what gets people to work on time. It's what protects us from the elements. It's what moves the earth. That's what put me in kind in space. Steel is the very fabric our societies are built upon woven one weld seem at a time, but we were stronger than steel. We're a community. We are brothers and sisters. Welders and boilermakers were the ones who commanded, manipulated, fabricate it. Without us, steel has no shape, no purpose. The steel industry is mankind's true grit, and through that petting house produces the toughest machines on the planet. Machines with limitless possibilities stronger than heavy plate, stronger than the thickest columns. Stronger than angle, robotic assembly and plasma production stronger than the biggest projects. Stronger than full automation and stronger than the toughest repairs. This is petting house, and we are stronger than steel.