The start of a Youtube video and the voice from a skit I made

Profile photo for Kristian RItter
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


I wanted to show range by giving more than one voice I can do. Both are pretty dramatic

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Frankenstein is an all time classic science fiction and horror novel about a man trying to play God using the dead remains of people. He dug up from a graveyard. Doctor Victor Frankenstein created his monster a living amalgamation of organs, skin muscles, bones. Frankenstein found the secret to life, the false meaning of consciousness. This monster is a groundbreaking scientific achievement, unlike any other in history. But aside from that, the doctor is left with an abomination, his body is decaying. His eyes are soulless Children run in fear whenever they see him. On top of that, this monster feels complete isolation from the rest of society. You've got to be a sick, sadist individual to give your little science experiments the ability to feel these emotions. So the master decided he would make it his life mission to make his creators life a living ****. Looks like we're trapped in here. Look, there's one thing we can try but it'll be risky. No, I'm sorry, tell my family, I love them. Looks like this is the only way I'll have to sacrifice myself.