Agriculture - Authoritative - Assertive - Confident
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When it comes to your farm, livestock, pets and their needs. There is one convenient location to visit at bio rural Mussel Brook. They have more than just your pet, livestock and equine feeds and needs. Did you know they stock fertilizer, chemical and agricultural supplies. They are stalker of major brands including Gallagher Warta Burba Cyclone and the Royal Cannon to name a few call in or follow them on Facebook to check out the monthly deals. Visit Bio Rural at 1 27 Sydney street, Mussel Brook next to the greyhound track.
Announcer, Abrupt, Aggressive, Authentic, Authoritative, Australian