
Profile photo for Kapil Kapadia
Not Yet Rated

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Now that you're aware of what readers and reviewers expect from your work, try this activity to select a better sentence. Construction readers prefer a simple sentence structure with the use of action words. Immediately after the subject. Select a sentence that meets this requirement. The better construction is sentenced to in this sentence. The high, eternal selecting mice is the subject, and consumed is the verb, so the subject and verb are fairly close to one another, making the sentence easy to understand. However, this is not the case in sentence one. Click next for question two. Readers want to read short and clear sentences without roundabout wording. Select the sentences that meet this requirement. The better construction is sentenced one because it a short, clear on to the point. In contrast, sentenced to uses roundabout wording that is too many words to express an idea. Remember that overuse of objectives or noun modifiers also contribute to rounding about Click next for question three. Readers do not want to see superfluous phrases at the beginning. Off the sentence. They feel that such phrases weaken the emphasis off the idea being explained in the next part. Off the sentence, select the sentence that meets this requirement, the better construction is sentenced one because it introduces the main idea quickly. On the other hand, sentenced to has superfluous phrases that distract the reader from the main idea. The effect off the hormone click. Next for question for readers find it easier to understand first person narration in a manuscript. Select a sentence that meets this requirement. The better construction is sentenced to because it is written in the first person. The use of first person is indicated by the use of the word we. On the other hand, the world one in sentence one indicates third person narration. This sentence does not clarify if the team wants to do the experiment themselves, or if they're suggesting that others continue with the work. Click next to exit the activity on. Continue with the lesson.