Brand Voice

Television Ad


Brand voice for Large power company TV campaign
Warm and casual , Cheeky and Fun

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) New Zealand Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
right now in over 100 homes in south. Wider, dapper, ordinary Kerry's and living in the future. As you can see, it looks a lot like the present. What you can't see is that these families are managing their own power families like the Greaves who were partnering with to test the latest technology with it. They monitor and control their energy usage all the while trialing it in high pressure situations. Like getting the kids to school on time. So thanks, Greaves. Is Or should we call you wadded up a power facility number 23 A Genesis were leading the way to the future. Wanna ride Genesis with you for you?