Voice Over DEMO

Profile photo for Kate McFerren
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This demo shows my range of serious, emotional, inspirational, and happy. My voice lends to be more raw and emotional. When you need something to feel authentic or emotional. These are ranges of case studies, pitch videos, and social.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
because we believe Onley when we step outside ourselves, Can we discover a purpose greater than ourselves? That's why we listen to the heart first and the head second. Let's change the conversation about Quinn asthma and listen to the ones we really should listen to. You know what they're saying. I'm excited. Hand that over already. Are we seriously doing this? You do know I hate needles. I love you to gather around. It's something way. An invitation to grab. Take a beat here to breathe in the good and breathe out all the things that rolled your eyes today. If skipping this ad will do you some good, now is your chance. Introducing two good yogurt slow, strange down to two grams of sugar. Kids could choose one of four themes stories and follow a Lego mini figure on their own route to the park. Landmarks were pulled into the experience in real time, including national parks, lakes, rivers, mountains and historic places. You check pulses, temperatures, limbs, lungs and guts. Just about the only thing you don't check is your watch. You get beautiful coverage, exceptional stain resistance and a smooth, durable finish. Anyone can make things but you you make things possible. Right now there is a child sitting in a classroom who will one day help find a solution to climate change. Another will discover a cure for cancer.