Voices.com Demo: Helluva Boss, Blitzo

Profile photo for Riley Corbin
Not Yet Rated


I have done nothing with voice acting yet, so I decided to voice over my favorite line from the Helluva Boss Pilot, by Vivienne Medrano. My best take is take 1.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
take one. Now. I know business has been a bit slow lately. Yes, and it is no one's fault. I'm not naming any names here. Moxie. Notice. Anyone have any bright ideas to get business drumming up again? Take two. Now I know business has been a bit slow lately. Yes, and it is no one's fault. Okay, I'm not naming any names here. Moxie. Now, does anyone have any bright ideas to get business drumming up again? I messed up. Take three. Take four. Now I know business has been a bit slow lately. Yes, there's no, it's fault. I'm not naming any names here. Moxie. Now, does anyone have any bright ideas to get business drumming up again?